Register NOW to be a part of #DjangoGirlsMakurdi – a Free Programming Workshop for Women in Makurdi

Are You Interested in Programming & How Websites are Built? Register NOW to be a part of #DjangoGirlsMakurdi – a Free Programming Workshop for Women in Makurdi

Django Girls is a global Non-profit organization that helps women get involved with technology and enabling them to become part of the evolving tech world by teaching them to build their own website using #‎Django and #‎Python programming language.
Our goal is to demystify computer programming, explain how the internet works and inspire women to become creators of technology while still pursuing their passions either in fashion, beauty, business or looking to get into the technology space. We show women how easy it is to bring their brilliant ideas to life by empowering them with the right tools, resources and a great community of Women in Technology.
After the First DjangoGirls workshop early last year in February, the workshop has recorded many successes including DjangoGirls attendees going on to mentor other women, and also co-organize more DjangoGirls events in Ogbomoso(LAUTECH), Akure (FUTA), Ife(OAU), Port-Harcourt, Ota (BellsTech) and Minna(FUTMinna).
 The workshop will take place on the 24th and 25th of February in the beautiful city of Makurdi and its absolutely FREE to register and participate.Registration can be done on the workshop website
The workshop is aimed at total beginners, so don’t worry if you know nothing about building a website. Participants would be mentored in small groups by an experienced and dedicated coach. Applications opened in December 2016 and will close on February 10, 2017. 
If you’re a web developer or programmer who is passionate about our goal of empowering more women. Please fill the form here to coach at the workshop
Offering an absolutely free workshop won’t be possible if it weren’t for our amazing sponsors. To sponsor the workshop, send us a mail
We also appreciate services rendered to show support for this event. One cupcake or one shout out on your amazing social media page will go a long way in reaching out to as many women as possible who have been looking out for the opportunity to #Dream #Code #Create.

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